Real-time and 30+ years of historical price data, fundamentals, analyst ratings, dividends, options and much more for over 80,000 stocks, ETFs, mutual funds, FOREX and cryptocurrencies.
Everything you need for your analysis
Build your own investing dashboard
Forget about trawling through financial websites to find exactly what you need - design your own analysis using SheetsFinance with Google Sheets.
Search and generate data in seconds
Use the in-built Function Generator, Symbol Search and Stock Screener to instantly access the data you need, no formulas required.
66 Markets and over 80,000 Assets
Free spreadsheet templates to get started quickly
Explore our library of free spreadsheet templates created by the SheetsFinance community and find the perfect sheet to kickstart your financial analysis.
Everything you need to build your analysis
SheetsFinance is stacked with features to turn your regular Google Sheet into a powerful financial analysis tool.
OHLCV, ratios, sparklines and more.
30+ years of annual and quarterly statements.
30+ years of daily and intra-day OHLCV data.
SMA, EMA, RSI and more.
30+ years of dividend history, ratios and dates.
Price targets, ratings, estimates and more.
What our community is saying
“WOW, this is the one. It gets you everything you need. It is normally very hard to get data across so many stock exchanges real time or near real time. A quick review of accessible functions will convince you.”
“SheetsFinance is probably the best Excel add-in one can find for markets data. Democratizes access to pro tools with excellent coverage breadth that continues to grow. Customer support is helpful and responsive. Solid documentation too. Lastly, the pace of product improvement in terms of features or new data coverage is excellent. This vastly improves the value one gets out of the subscription. Can't recommend this enough.”
“Great! Simple and effective. Going to use this in all of my investing and trading spreadsheets.”
“Gives you all the finance items that google finance doesn't have. At this price, its a steal! If you do any stock analysis using google sheets, Just get it.”
“This is by far the most impressive tool I've used to do stock analysis as a retail investor. I've spend 100s of hours using dozens of online tools. They all have some sort of benefit, but I've always come back to the idea that it would be much better if I could just access the raw data and then chop it up however I need to to uncover insights about the companies. I finally found a means to do that, and imo it is done in the smartest way possible. Genuinely this is a massive value and an incredibly powerful implementation of what I've been hoping for for so long. Incredible work! Thank you.”